Hello everyone,
I am a member here and I haven't logged in or posted anything in quite a while so I wanted to drop by and say hello and introduce myself. I'm delighted to see that some improvements and positive changes have been made to this cool forum. It's clean, streamlined, and very attractive to the eye. As the subject of my post says, I am an organic natural living writer. I'm looking for other like-minded writers who share my passion and strong interest in organic natural living to share, connect, and network with. I would like to connect with organic writers, as we can relate to each other in various ways. I'm the author editor of the "Live Naturally Blog,"
http://www.naturopath.ca and I've written a book that teaches people how to enjoy organic, earth-friendly, non-toxic cleanliness and beauty using only 100% pure plant essences, free of harmful toxic petro-chemicals. You can learn more about my book by visiting my website:
I spend a lot of time online via the Internet and I go out very rarely so a virtual online group would be most helpful, but it needs to be free of charge for the moment, as I don't have the budget to pay any kind of fee to pay for a membership. I'm hoping that will change in the near future. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I am in the process of looking for a group myself, but I thought I'd post here and ask around for help. By the way, in case anyone would like to know, I currently reside in North Central Florida, USA, but I want and plan to leave this stupid state and the South and relocate and head further North East in the very near future. Thank you kindly in advance for your help and it's wonderful to meet everyone here. I look forward to meeting new cool organic friends here and getting to know everyone here. Please don't be shy. Say hello. I look forward to getting to know you and sharing and connecting and networking and talking. *hugs*