It would be nice if the "Star Trek" fantasy of one world, then colonization of space with our numbers and control of our numbers by voluntary means on Earth. However, if I were to suddenly appear in many places of the world, I would be killed just for the way I look and talk.The problem with Homo Sapiens Sapiens, is that there is enough difference within the species, that, in a natural world, would cause speciation. Those who can and do live and understand sustainability are of a small minority of the highest intelligence, and morals, without greed. Then there is the over-breeding lower IQ majority, who are ruining the biosphere by their numbers, habits, and greed. In a natural world, they would die out and those living sustainably would live. The species would , as before, continue to get stronger and more intelligent. Those of higher intelligence invented things that they gave to those who could not make and invent them, in the mistaken belief that over-compassion and over-tolerance was good, when it was not good for the species(only for their own "feelings"). So now, the low IQ over-breeders migrate and take down all those who can live sustainably with them, from world pollution and depletion of resources. You mentioned outsourcing of jobs out of greed to make more money, and the fact that the overpopulated countries have lower pay, because of their overpopulation. Another member mentioned that for the world population to really become sustainable, we would have to sterilize all below 120 IQ. If countries could strongly enforce their borders and shores, some could "niche" themselves to be totally independent for all energy, manufacturing, and nutritional needs. Even survivalists at the village level would need to protect themselves and their property from gangs of desperate cannibals or the like. The USA had a great immigration law from 1924, that should have been kept. However, greed and Catholic influence got the law changed in 1965, with unkept promises. The US would never have reached the gross overpopulation of now, and most of the population gain that is depleting our resources of all kinds, is from immigration both legal and illegal and their offspring from over-breeding tendencies. The allowance of birthright citizenship against the real words and spirit of the 14th Amendment, has been another big mistake. We knew about overpopulation by 1966, yet the government chose in essence, self destruction. Just like many European countries also have. So those who saw the overpopulation, then the AGW, and have tried to do something about it, have been outnumbered by >>the greedy, and over-tolerant, over-compassion infinite Earthers, and over-breeders.<< The are the enemies of sustainability. They are the killers of future generations who will never be, and eventually, most of the life on this planet. The population crash of circa 2050 and the thermageddon extinction(estimated at 87% of all species) circa 2300-2500 is all their fault, and to me, against God's wishes for a replenished planet of people living in harmony with themselves and God's natural laws and gifts to us, and giving love to Him. Those within the arrows above will not go to Heaven, for they have defiled the planet given them, by a deadly lack of foresight of the consequences of their actions. Some may have the delusion they are going to Heaven when they will be chastised and their souls wiped out of existence. The time for population reduction , stopping fossil fuel use, adopting a steady state economy, and "niching" countries from overpopulation caused invasions, is now. There most likely will be no second chance. Time is of the extreme essence.
_________________ "With every decision, think seven generations ahead of the consequences of your actions" Ute rule of life. “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”― Chief Seattle “Those Who Have the Privilege to Know Have the Duty to Act”…Albert Einstein