It's hot out here, and when I walk into a building with AC, it feels sooooooo good.
But I live without it. Why? It's a feedback loop (catch 22).
It gets hotter, so we crank up the AC. The AC uses a lot of energy that comes from the grid (times the millions of units) and creates a little heat island outdoors. The result is the AC is a contributor to global warming.
So as it gets warmer outside, the AC has to work even higher, using more polluting energy from the grid, and creating a greater heat island outdoors. That makes the world hotter.
So the AC has to work even harder, using more energy and making that heat island even hotter.
So by using the AC we are contributing to global warming, which makes the AC work harder causing more global warming which makes the AC work harder causing more global warming which makes the AC work harder causing more global warming which makes the AC work harder causing more global warming, ad infinitum.
The International Energy Agency projects that by 2050 worldwide air conditioning will produce 2 billion tonnes of CO2 a year. And that doesn't take into account the heat emitted by the units themselves.
As much as like the cool, I can't justify using it.
So I painted my roof bright white, planted shade trees around the house but not directly over the roof, and when it's 90 degrees outside my Florida home, it's only 80 inside. Some fans take care of that. ... the-room-/The air conditioning trap: how cold air is heating the world ... -the-worldOne of the great ironies of climate change is that as the planet warms, the technology that people need to stay cool will only make the climate hotter ... he-planet/Air conditioning is a big contributor to climate change. ... hange.htmlWhy smarter surfaces, not air conditioning, is the answer for our scorching cities ... ng-cities/So can you call yourself an environmentalist and run your AC, when you could paint your roof white, plant shade trees, install fans and do more non-polluting ways to keep your cool?
Think about it.